An exhibition of artworks inspired by jazz and soul music.
By Tim Sanders, illustrator and cartoonist (Independent, Guardian, Private Eye, You magazine, Observer and many other titles).

Vortex Jazz Club

Gillett Square, London N16 8AZ

24th Sept to 30 Oct.

Some of these images are from the Spanish children’s book Las Maravillosas aventuras del Sr Soul.

All images are available to purchase as originals or prints.

Tim Sanders is a veteran (old) artist and cartoonist who has spent many years documenting London, people, musicians and other animals.
He has produced illustrations and cartoons for many leading publications including The Guardian, Observer, Telegraph, You magazine, Private Eye, Broadcast and lots more.

He spent more than 15 years at the Independent titles drawing pocket cartoons and illustrations.

He has published a number of books, amongst them, An Independent Line, cartoons from the Independent, The Heat of the Scribble with Paul Foot and Wild About London with Will Hatchett.

He has also illustrated a series of children’s books for the Spanish market, titled Las Maravillosas aventuras del Señor Soul (Jazz, Blues and Pop) with Andreu Cunill, from which many of these images are taken.

He has illustrated the graphic novel 1917, Russia’s Red Year written by John Newsinger.

He makes repeated attempts to play the soprano sax!